i am weaver, an artist and fungi-oriented person living on o'odham land, colonially known as the sonoran desert.
i create these lunar trackers as tools for observing environment, planning farming/ harvesting/ fermenting, studying your bodily health and biorhythms, daily art practices, and whatever else you may use them for. the trackers arrange days by moon cycles rather than gregorian months, with desert ecology artwork aligned to each moon cycle.
while it may be more recognizable to call these “moon calendars” i don’t use that terminology because the word “calendar” has its root in debt collection and class-gap enforcement (explained more in the book). the purpose of these books is exactly the opposite: to move away from capitalism’s narrow and rigid way of describing movement of time and space.
the opening page of the book has suggestions for how to interact with the tracker:
a tool for observing your environment / your own biorhythms + health \ societal + earth events
for planning + organizing / as a date book / as a diary \ as a field log \ as a dream book
as a poetry practice / a’sketch a’day / mood scribbling \ cloud drawings \ monster yearbook
i hope this is useful and exciting for you.