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bundle of the lunar tracker book and wall print.

the tracker is arranged by moon cycles rather than by the gregorian months, with gregorian dates written for reference. a tool to think about time in an earth-informed way. with space for writing on each day, the book is an interactive tool to be used for tracking + planning life aspects such as health, body fluctuations, gardening, fermenting, dreams, ecological observations, + travel. spans 13 moon cycles, roughly from spring equinox 2022 to spring equinox 2023.

the opening page has suggestions for how to interact with the tracker:

a tool for observing your environment / your own biorhythms + health \ societal + earth events
for planning + organizing / as a date book / as a diary \ as a field log \ as a dream book
as a poetry practice / a’sketch a’day / mood scribbling \ cloud drawings \ monster yearbook

astrological progressions of the sun and the moon are also written. margin space + black&white illustrations are left for adding your own illustrations + coloring.

hand-stitched, 4.5"x16", printed on recycled paper.

for tucson locals, use discount code "LOCALS" at checkout for free delivery.